World of Aden: Entomorph – Plague of the Darkfall
Windows 3

The inhabitants of the island of Phoros used to enjoy a prosperous, happy life. Large domesticated insects known as “jagtera” were doing all the hard work for them. However, following the Darkfall, the jagtera have disappeared from the island. The quality of life on Phoros has drastically declined, and its nobles came up with a monstrous plan: spreading rumors about the return of jagtera, they poisoned the population with a nectar that turned them into vicious, uncontrollable replicas of these gentle creatures. When a wandering squire named Warrick arrives on Phoros, searching for his missing sister, he realizes that something must be done to stop the pestilence. He does not known that he may have to leave his humanity by the wayside and succumb to the plague himself…Entomoprh is the second computer game set in the fictional world of Aden, the first being Thunderscape. Though the two games share the same setting, their gameplay styles are quite different. Entomoprh is predominantly an action game with very light role-playing and puzzle-solving elements. The squire explores the island, talks to inhabitants, gathers clues and necessary items, and ventures into hostile areas to fight enemies. Combat is action-oriented and is done either with physical attacks or spells. There are no weapons in the game: Warrick either fights using his fists or morphs into different creatures by drinking special potions, thus acquiring new attacks. There are no character statistics or experience system of any kind.The monster-morphing comes with a prize: Warrick is slowly turning into a jagtera. The player may control his actions and decisions throughout the game, ultimately affecting the ending, which determines whether the hero has resisted a complete transformation or not.


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