Atari 400/800

The player controls BLOB (Bio-Logically Operated Being), whose mission is to penetrate the unstable core of a rogue planet which has appeared from a black hole. If the core is not repaired within the set time limit it will implode causing a chain reaction which will destroy the entire universe. The planet is inhabited by various primitive creatures, all hazardous to the touch, and the remnants of a previous civilization which provides the items needed to rebuild and stabilize the planet core.

A very large (512 screens) and quite difficult game, Starquake features unusual depth in game mechanics for the era. BLOB can carry up to four items of various purpose and dispense them in FIFO order. There are a variety of map features like teleports, hover platforms, and trap doors. BLOB can build short-lived platforms of his own, and in this way “ladder” himself up to otherwise impossible to reach places. All of this interacts in real time while simultaneously dodging, jumping over and shooting a variety of creatures attacking BLOB.

The Atari port is marred by substandard graphics and inferior sound, both compared to other versions and to what the hardware was capable of achieving. Regardless the engaging gameplay puts this on many favorites lists.


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