Gateway To Karos
BBC Micro

As a local historian, you had been allowed into the great library of Karoway Manor. There between the pages of an ancient book you found a seemingly much older sheet of paper. it told of a stone gateway to the mythical land of karos opening only at midnight on the summer solstice. Were it not for the majestic stone arch in the centre of the manor lawn, and that it was by then dusk on MidSummer’s Day, you might have replaced the page without a thought…

This is a vast and fascinating adventure with the accent firmly on intrigue and ingenuity. There is more than one route to many of the treasures on the island of Karos but whichever path you choose you will be beset by treacchery. even the recovery of the Talisman of Khoronz- of which you will learn on you travels- will be no guarantee of a safe return nor proof against the wish that you had remained a historian in some quiet manor library.


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