Commodore 64

It was never going to be an easy job being the commander of the Nebulax Trilogy which contains three hostile planets, Glaciax, Solarix and Terrax, that provide an abundance of minerals for the Federation Battleships. Things have got a lot harder now due to alien starships placing radiation pods on each planets surface and various creatures to protect them. Each of the pods have started producing radiation and when they reach a critical level then the planets will be destroyed, so with your jet-pack and laser you must fly over the planets surfaces and destroy the pods. Once all the pods are destroyed on a planet you move to the next one with the highest radiation level.

Neutralizor is a horizontal scrolling side view game where the screen scrolls left or right when you move. Before you start the game you have various skill options that you can adjust which are Ability (Duffer, Novice, Normal, Expert and Master), Gravity (Low, Normal and High) and Inertia (Low, Normal and High). The higher the ability then there are more pods to destroy and more aliens to kill. As well as the main playing area you also can see above the playing area, three gauges showing the levels of radiation on each planet. If a planet’s level is high then you can press space and you transport to it’s surface. Below the playing area is an indicator showing the direction to the nearest pod and amount of pods, your score and lives.

The last gauge you need to control is a temperature gauge and if this reaches the minimum or maximum then you lose one of five lives. Your position on the surface on each planets affects the temperature so the higher you fly the colder you become while flying low makes you warmer. The aliens that move about need to be shot or avoided as these will increase your temperature as well. Once you have destroy all pods on every planet then you start the game again but with a higher ability level. The joystick is used to control your hero and you need to take into consideration your inertia when you turn and stop, as well as the gravity strength pulling you down.


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