Astate: La Malédiction des Templiers

Astate is a French point-and-click adventure game with static screens and a icon-based interface. Devoid of inventory (you can carry one item at time), it visually recalls Myst. As an archaeologist the player has to search the French countryside and its Templar ruins for all the pieces of a missing statue. Each piece collected plays a short animation with part of the storyline. Clicking the right mouse button cycles through several icons, each with a specific function:

■ A pair of boots allows travelling from one place to the other by clicking them on the right or the left side of the screen;

■ A pick-axe and an electric drill for prospecting spots on the screen;

■ A scanner helps finding the right spot to dig for an object;

■ A hand picks up objects;

■ A garbage pail gets rid of a held object .

There’s several ways to die on this game, some (like walking on a dangerous spot) are instantaneous. On some occasions, the player is presented with a screen where he has to avoid falling spiders. It is also possible to get into an unwinnable situation, by getting rid of a necessary object.


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