Mental Image Game Disk 1

Mental Image Disk 1 is a compilation disk consisting of 3 games.

Rebound is a breakout clone released by Mental Image in 1991. With the usual power ups and rules, this game breaks from the norm by being played horizontally with your paddle moving up and down the right edge of the screen. It can be a bit confusing at first but you soon get to grips with it. Just watch out for the control reversing power up.

The Invaders is a Defender style horizontal shoot ’em up released in 1991 by The Visionaries. The year is 2625, on your return from a 3 year mission to Xaragon you find the Xaragonians have attacked Earth. Your base is the only one left standing with a fighting chance. You must defend Quantox at all costs and help defeat the Xaragonian onslaught!!

Gridrunner is an arcade game in the style of Centipede. You control a ship, at the bottom of a grid. Moving toward you in a zig-zag is a chain of pods. The object is to shoot them before they get the ship. As the pods are shot, the dead pod remains on the screen, as a blocker to your bullets. The live pods on either side form two new chains, both moving toward you. Further complicating the game are two guns outside the grid, shooting at your ship from beneath and from your left side. You are able to move into the grid, toward the pod-chain, to avoid the guns. The combination puts pressure on you, from front, back and the side. There are twenty waves to be completed in the game.


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