
The magical country of Luizard has been recently terrorized by the minions of the demon king Billades. The king of the country recruits a party of brave warriors, asking them to do the impossible: venture into the depths of Billades’ lair, defeat the demon king, and release the Elven Seed that would restore the country to its glory.

Fantasian is a role-playing game that mostly relies on the Wizardry template. The player creates characters (up to five in the active party), choosing between traditional fantasy races (elf, half-orc, etc.) and classes. The latter are divided into four disciplines (thief, fighter, monk, and magician), each containing two classes, of which the less powerful one may evolve into a stronger form by meeting certain conditions during gameplay.

The player then takes these characters to explore an abstract maze, fighting randomly appearing enemies. Combat takes place on a top-down screen and is similar in concept to that of Ultima games.


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