Star Post
Commodore 64

You are the lone defender of a starshlp outpost in a remote sector ot our galaxy. Three-dimensional invaders tumble and plunge toward the outpost attempting to
destroy you. Your mission is to defend the base against the invaders as they attack from 8 channels on both sides of the Star Post. You must also defend against a
Superalien which disrupts your viewscreen as It spirals its way toward your Star Post. There are 3 different game versions: Beginner, Advanced and Hyper. You must
maneuver your laser cannon in a circular or back-and- forth motion while firing on aliens. In addition, your out- post is equipped with a special SuperZap laser which
eliminates all aliens currently on your viewscreen. Super- Zap are added at the rate of 1 per level, and unused Zaps are stored for later use. Your Star Post can withstand only 7 alien hits per level of play. Each new level resets the number of hits to 0, but 8 hits in any one round destroys your Star Post. This game was originally made for the Commodore VIC-20 in 1982, and was eventually ported over to the C64 the following year.


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