ZX Spectrum

It is the future, as human needs grew, so did their urge to find new and more efficient lavatories. Teams of experts were sent around the universe researching strange new toilets on strange new worlds.

Their main conclusion was that an organisation should be set up to monitor and service the many bogs, lavs and public conveniences scattered across the galaxy.

The organisation became known as GUTA the Galactic Union of Toilet attendants, for milenia they upheld their high standards, but now they are in deep………er…..trouble.

The ‘Cybernation’ circuit boards in their faithful workers have malfunctioned, and have not reawoken from their annual winter sleep. If the toilets are not ready for the summer season, there will be some very red faces, etc….

You are their last hope, GUTA have given you a SQAM teleport, and dispatched you to wake up the sleeping attendants.

The toilets are spread around a number of planets, to wake up an attendant, you must decode the anagram on their backs. Text from the book will make them easier to solve.


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