Bureaucracy is an Adventure game, developed and published by Infocom, which was released in 1987 and scripted by popular comic science fiction author Douglas Adams. It is Infocom’s twenty-fourth game.
Douglas Adams, the man who brought you Hitch Hikers Guide is back again with Bureaucracy, the latest smash from Infocom.
If you’re the sort who gets thoroughly frustrated by officious people who won’t let you get on with things, then you’ll enjoy Bureaucracy, but be wanted: some of the problems may leave you just as frustrated as the real thing!
It all starts when you change jobs and move house. The removal men have failed to deliver to your new address, and your bank will not acknowledge that you have moved, due to your change of address form not having been processed. You have no cash in your account, and your credit cards are either over the limit or expired.
A totally unbelievable fantasy with a nasty ring of truth about it. Bureaucracy is a hilarious game. Perhaps the humourous text is slight¬ly overdone in places, but there are plenty of good, solid belly laughs hidden in memory, just waiting to be screened! The boys from Boston also have to take a ticking off though, for producing a game that only runs on the 128 or Amiga. What about the 64 owning faithful Infocom?
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