Crimson Skies: High Road To Revenge

Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge is a first-party video game developed by FASA Studio (part of Microsoft Game Studios) for the Xbox. The game, like the earlier Crimson Skies for the PC, is an action-oriented arcade flight game. Nonetheless, there are significant differences between the gameplay of High Road to Revenge and that of the original PC title. For example, while the Xbox game has a more open-ended mission structure, it offers less plane customization than the PC game.

Set in an alternate 1930s in which the plane and Zeppelin become the primary means of transportation, the game focuses on the adventures of Nathan Zachary, leader of the Fortune Hunters air pirate gang. Players assume his role as he undertakes a crusade to avenge the death of his old friend, “Doc” Fassenbiender.


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