Death Knights of Krynn

Death Knights of Krynn is the 2nd volume of the Dragonlance epic and is the sequel to Champions of Krynn. Characters from that game may be imported to this game.

This time the party faces an undead threat that turns former friends into fierce enemies and infests Krynn with hordes of decaying monsters. The party must find the origin of these nightmarish undead creatures and eliminate it in order to save Krynn from turning into a land of undead.

Like Champions of Krynn, Death Knights of Krynn introduces a different and unique character selection with the availability of the “Knight” class, unavailable in AD&D non-Dragonlance RPGs. Characters in this game may level-up to higher levels and obtain new skills as well as more powerful spells. Experienced Knights may ultimately choose one out of 3 “clans” to focus more on a different type of fighting style.


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