Dragon Eyes

Dragon Eyes is a “space opera” kind of story, focusing on a young girl named Ines, who lives on the planet Miu of the Phi Sun. She grew up together with a space agent named Klind, to whom she refers as “brother”. One day, her superior from the planet Garudoria informs her that Klind has disappeared during one of his missions and might be in danger. Ines travels to Garudoria to find additional information, and soon becomes involved in a vast space conflict…

Dragon Eyes plays like a traditional Japanese adventure, with commands such as Examine, Talk, Think, and Move appearing on every screen. Choosing one of those commands usually leads into a sub-menu of objects. There is also limited usage of items, which is sometimes required in order to advance in the game.

There are a few scenes with graphical nudity, but no explicit sex scenes.


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