Commodore 64

Computer Gamer 1986/12 (Issue #21). The player controls two traps each of which can cover four holes. By covering the holes just before your friends (the blue ones)step on them you can guide them to food that they desperately need. To harass you is PINKY. He must be prevented from reaching the food by barring his path, for if he reaches the food he will smother it in red tape. You will also suffer red tape if your group (originally 20 in number) falls below 11 at the end of each round. There is a meter to mark the red tape you have suffered at the top of the screen. Your game is over when the meter is full.
At the end of each sequence a Red Cross van replenishes the food and the total red tape suffered and scores are tallied. The first two levels are fairly easy, but each level preforms subsequently trickier as your friends spill out in increasing density.


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