Golden Oldies 2: Blockbuster and Bughunt

Golden Oldies II is a sequel to Golden Oldies I. Like the previous title it is a collection of two games that mimic the game mechanics of classic arcade games. For part II the games are:
Blockbuster, a remake of Arkanoid.
Bughunt, a remake of Centipede.
Both games have modernized graphics over the original, while the gameplay stays mostly the same. In Blockbuster the player moves a paddle left and right to bounce a ball against blocks at the top of the screen. Blocks are destroyed when hit by the ball and in order to win all blocks have to be destroyed. Some blocks contain powerups that make it easier for the player.

In Bughunt the player tries to kill centipedes by shooting it from the bottom of the screen. Whenever shot the centipedes lose parts of their body, making them harder to hit for a successive hit.


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