I Ludicrus

Having drunk too much at the bar and made a fool out of himself, arena cleaner Ludicrus finds that he has been “promoted” to gladiator. In order to once more become a free man, he must beat three opponents: the big Germanic warrior Herr Liss, the femme fatale Bon d’Age and the masked gladiator Bud Vyzr. Ludricrus must stand five rounds against each opponent, or he must face a lion. If the lion wins, it’s game over.

The game is a one-on-one fighting game where Ludicrus is armed with a short knife. Using a combination of button presses and joystick pulling, Ludicrus may back off, jump, take cover and slash with his knife. There is limited horizontal scrolling as in Streetfighter II. Since there are no power bars, you have to hold a mental score of how much damage you have taken and given. Graphics are cartoony with a touch of Astérix.


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