Inherits of the Throne v2.00
Commodore 64

Fantasy-themed strategic/managerial wargame. The premise is that in a vast continent made up of warring fiefdoms a king arose and unified the whole land. Eventually the once warring barons agreed that they couldn’t live peacefully with each other and the king was assassinated while the sole heir was conveniently out fighting in the Crusades. You play one of this barons who must expand his starting territory and conquer the entire kingdom. Gameplay is phase-based and you have to do all sort of things from commanding armies and devicing combat strategies to managing your budding villages and fiefdoms by collecting taxes, recruiting, and balancing your checkbook.

The game includes a series of gameplay options to modify and create your own game modes. You can select the size of the kingdom, the amount of territory to be explored, the chances of random events, and there’s even an option that makes the game a race against the clock as you try to get the kingdom before the rightful heir returns. Includes hot-seat multiplayer support for up to 4 players.


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