
The game’s hero, a young man named Otomegawa, encounter Chururu, a cheerful female magical creature, who accidentally curses him to become a woman. Only the princess of the Magic Land can lift the curse. The princess has been reborn as a human being and is currently living on the Earth. The problem is that as a human, she has no access to her magical powers that would help Otomegawa solve his predicament. Only a moment of true ecstasy (and since this is a hentai game, we all know what it means) will awaken her true potential! Luckily, the princess also happens to be lesbian, which perfectly suits Otomegawa’s current condition and the means necessary to achieve the goal…

JYB is structure like a Japanese-style adventure game, with menu-based interaction featuring omnipresent commands such as “Look”, “Talk”, “Think”, etc. The locations are displayed as small interior images and character graphics super-imposed over the background of the city map. Most of the activity involves visiting different locations on the map, trying to figure out where the princess is and how to seduce her. Elements of “dating simulation” in form of money system and possibility to purchase items are also present.


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