Kira Kira Star Night DX
Nintendo Entertainment System

Fami-chan was stomping about her room, fuming. Paso-kun was late. And she did not like being kept waiting. “‘I’ll bring you something nice,’ he says, and then no word for hours! What sort of trouble did he get himself into this time?” she wondered aloud. “What do I see in him, anyway?”
From her window, Fami-chan absently watched the sun slowly sink beneath the horizon. As the last slice of sun disappeared, an unnatural darkness fell like a curtain across the land.

She gasped at the suddenness of it. Above her head, the night sky was a solid, unbroken black. “What’s going on!” she cried.
Where was the moonlight? Where was the starlight?

Fami-chan leaned out her window, peering up at the featureless black sky.
A sudden bright pinpoint of light appeared, flashing through the darkness. It rocketed across the sky toward her, zipping past her head and into her room like a miniature meteor. She let out a surprised yelp and turned. On her bedroom floor she saw, of all things, a tiny, strange looking mouse.


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