Wonderswan Color

Kurupara! is a puzzle game, in which panels arranged in a 5×5 field are rearranged and erased. To turn off the panel, you must first arrange three or more of the same pattern. Then, when three panels are arranged, the pattern drawn on the surface disappears and the panel is turned over. And if you put three or more panels that are turned over again, the pattern on the back will disappear and the panel will disappear. Repeat this and all the panels disappear to clear the stage.

There are four modes for this game: Level Certification Test, Problem Collection, Game! and Story. The main Level Certification Exam is a mode in which students pass the requirements for each level and eventually acquire the highest level and aim for a full license.

In Game! and Story modes you can play against 9 unique characters, and in Problem Collection, there are 80 questions in total.


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