Last Alive
Wonderswan Color

Last Alive is the fourth installment in the Novel Theater series, following Tellers, Ring ∞, and Tellers 2. This time, both the quality of audio and visuals have been greatly improved. About 300 full-color images and realistic 3D voices will greatly enhance the story!

One day, you get a letter and an air ticket via mail. It’s a wedding invitation from a close friend whom you had lost contact with. Based on the invitation, you head to a certain island in the South Pacific. The wedding is scheduled to take place on a luxury cruise ship from the island to Japan, but among the passengers there are terrorists who aim to hijack the ship!

Shortly after leaving the port, the hijacked cruise ship departs significantly from the navigation course. To make matters worse, the cruise ship encounters a storm and capsizes! You and other passengers wander inside the ship with the feeling of dread…

The darkness, fire, water and terrorists. Can you escape from the sinking ship safely and survive?


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