Robot KLP-2 returned to destroy a series of space stations around the planet Quartech. This was achieved by overloading or shutting down the four nuclear reactors in each station. KLP-2 had to carry nuclear fuel rods between the reactors, with each rod having a positive or negative charge and a weight. The more weight being carried, the slower KLP-2 moved and the harder it was to get up slopes. The charge affected how the robot reacted to arrow tiles on the floor – a positive charge would move the robot in the direction of the arrow, a negative charge in the opposite direction.
Throughout the space station were computer screens to give information, in a very similar method to Paradroid. Enemies came in various types and had different weapons, with each showing a rank and droid number on the front. By standing still and holding down fire, KLP-2 entered grapple mode. Now he could run into an enemy and try to take control. This gave a 9×9 grid of symbols. Rearranging the bottom row disarmed the detonator and allowed KLP-2 to steal energy for a recharge. Rearranging all three rows allowed KLP-2 to take over the other robot and use its abilities and weapons.
Once at the reactor, KLP-2 could add or remove a rod at a time. The aim was either to overload (by getting a big positive number) or shut down (by getting a big negative number). With all four reactors shut down, the lights dimmed and KLP-2 went to a beam pad to move on to the next station.
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