Moby Dick
Commodore 64

Moby Dick is a side view single screen game where you control a boat on the sea, that moves from the left to the right of the screen on top of the water constantly, but you can speed it up or slow it down. The idea of the game is to drop depth charges two at a time, to blow up submarines that move across the screen from right to left below. A helicopter also moves across the screen above from left to right and can be shot with a missile, but the helicopter will drop bombs to hit you. As you drop the depth charges, you must be aware of a whale swimming across the screen and you cannot hit it or a green boat appears and rams you losing you one of five lives. Getting hit by a helicopter bomb loses you a life but if you hit the helicopter then the pilot parachutes downwards and if you catch him then you get bonus points. This was released in North America as part of 3 Arcade Games – Book 1 from Cymbal Software, Inc.


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