One Bite Too Deep
Commodore 64

The Master has risen from his resting place thanks to The Brotherhood in a research station deep in a unknown country, high on a cliff. As well as The Master, his minions have also come to life and are terrorising the locals and sucking their blood. You play the role of Oscar who has been given the task of entering The Brotherhood’s domain and putting The Master and his minions back to their resting place. Oscar is armed with a dagger and a shield with limited powers, and with these objects, Oscar must traverse mazes that make up the cliff, courtyard and the research station before finally confronting The Master.

As Oscar explores each location, various minions move around looking to kill Oscar but can be sent away for a brief time with the dagger or shield before returning again. If Oscar is touched then a bar representing his blood will decrease and once this reaches zero then it is game over and also there is a also a bar representing the shields power. Once Oscar is in the research station then five objects have to be found in various locations before he is allowed to face The Master.

One Bite Too Deep is an arcade adventure with the game viewed from above at an elevated angle, with the screen scrolling when Oscar moves for the cliff and courtyard sections. The research station section is viewed from an elevated angle as well but is now flick-screen. There are six levels of difficulty and if the game is completed then the game is started again but with a harder difficulty. The joystick or keyboard can be used to control Oscar.


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