Pathways into Darkness

In the spring of 1993 the US government receives a distressing transmission from alien creatures that warn of an alien threat hidden deep beneath an ancient pyramid in Yucatan, where an asteroid crashed aeons ago. The protagonist of the game has been chosen as part of the special ops team selected to drop into the zone and deal with the threat. Unfortunately, the player got separated from his group, and now must accomplish his mission on his own.

Pathways into Darkness is a first-person shooter that places the player in the shoes of a special forces operative who has to advance through several dungeons filled with horrifying creatures (some lifted from Lovecraftian lore) in order to save the world. The game includes dialogues with non-playable characters, inventory management, and other assorted means of interacting with the game world (such as examining, using, etc.). The overall design puts an emphasis on puzzle-solving over firefights, as the player character is usually underpowered when fighting against his foes.


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