Sex Vixens from Space

Simply based on the title, you might expect this game to be a bad ripoff of the legendary text adventure Leather Goddesses of Phobos. We join our hero BRAD STALLION, outrageously manly space guy, as he sets out to defend the universe from a legion of outrageously horny amazons, even if the title screen does make him look more like some sort of intergalactic Davy Crockett.

There are so many things wrong with Sex Vixens from Space that I don’t know where to begin. Now the earlier Commodore 64 version was a horrid text adventure, but for this bigger, badder Amiga port Free Spirit decided to go ahead and torture us with graphics. The parser in this game is so horrible that Infocom fans will probably cringe after the first few minutes.

To add insult to injury, the entire Brad Stallion trilogy has very atrocious writing, inane puzzles, and very “cheap” use of sex as an excuse for a game. Stay away from these games as far as you can, or download them if you’re a die-hard collector like me, and ignore them for the rest of your life.


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