Sharkey’s Moll
Amstrad CPC

Operation Wolf and The Untouchables combine for this action game set in 1920s Chicago. You play Lieutenant Sharkey, who has been sent out to wipe out Rubbers Malone and his henchmen.

You have control over the gun, which you move across the screen as the game scrolls steadily from left to right, and must kill as many of the henchmen as you can – otherwise they will shoot at you and reduce your energy level. You are armed with a limited amount of ammo plus a few Molotov Cocktails to throw – both of these can be replenished from bonus items. As well as on the streets, enemies also appear in cars and through windows (there’s a special bonus for shooting these). At the end of each level you meet an informant, who must not be shot, as this destroys the entire level of work.


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