Silent Steel
Windows 3

Silent Steel casts the player as captain of a nuclear submarine, on what is seemingly a routine peace-time patrol. As outside forces come into play, the Captain finds himself in the midst of a life-and-death struggle to save not only the ship, but to reveal a sinister plot that could start a devastating global confrontation.

The interactivity in the game appears in the form of a Action/Dialog Interface, which is presented every 15 to 30 seconds throughout the adventure. The three choices presented are actually integral parts of the script. The player must select one of the options by clicking on the number (or the line of dialog), or using the numbers on the keyboard. The decisions made by the user determine which direction the story takes, up to the next Action/Dialog Interface box. As the player continues through the game, he’ll be presented with a multitude of crises which must be prioritized and dealt with appropriately. Depending on his decisions, he may reach several types of endings, from death to survival, and some humorous ones.


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