Amstrad CPC

Skyx takes over the same operation while bringing it a new dimension. First, you no longer move a cursor, but a warrior, a mage, an elf or a acrobat. The character is chosen at the start of the game and has its own characteristics. For example, the elf is very fast and the mage has a protective shield.

Your task of conquering the screen is complicated by the presence of numerous enemies who are reluctant to be uprooted! The spark is formidable: it pursues you as soon as you draw a territory, and catches up with you if you draw it too vast … An all green alien also wanders to the right and to the left; if it touches the line of the territory you are delimiting, instant death! The witch is hardly friendly either, and is bent on restricting your conquests.

Fortunately, there are also bonuses: regenerative apples, “flums” too, which bring extra life. However, this is not a reason to jump on any object lying around: the bottles of Gnaps are very, very harmful …


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