The Book of Shadowboxes
Windows 3

Shadowboxes is a cuddly little program designed to teach preschoolers the alphabet . Shadow, a computer generated dough-boy, guides your child through the story. He explains the menu options and offers to read the text to you child. The child also has the option of reading the text himself. The beautiful graphics are reminiscent of a cozy quilt. They actually appear to be soft and squishy. The unusual and appealing artwork is inviting to children and parents alike. The animation is lifelike and intriguing. This really is a beautiful program. The music and dialogue are easy on the ears. Shadows voice and the female narrators voice are both pleasant and soothing. The music is nice and won’t irritate adult sensitivities. The program is easy to install and very easy to use. Shadow explains the menu at the very beginning so even a young child can find his way around without too much trouble. There are numerous click points providing hours of fun.


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