The Journeyman Project: Turbo! is a remake of The Journeyman Project. The year is 2318. The place: the sky-born city of Caldoria. After a century of bitter struggle, humanity has finally learned to live in peace. In 2117 the Unified World was established. And humanity knew no more war.
But all that was achieved was threatened with the invention of time travel. Its potential to destroy humanity’s hard won prosperity realized, the only time travel machine ever built, the Pegasus, was moved to a secret location. The Temporal Security Annex (TSA) was formed to protect history from sabotage. The project’s code name: Journeyman.
Today is 11.6.2318. Exactly ten years ago, an alien delegation calling themselves the Cyrrollans approached earth as messengers from the Symbiotry of Peaceful Beings. They gave humanity ten years to decide if the want to join the Symbiotry or not. Now the moment has come, and humanity awaits the arrival of the alien delegation.
You are Agent 5 of the Temporal Protectorate. When you report to the TSA, you find that someone is changing history, influencing events and happenings, changing how things happened – and not for the better. It is your job to find out who is messing with history, stop him, and restore history. For this you will have to travel time, using the Pegasus, as far as 2 million BC. You will travel to Mars in 2185 to stop attack on an alien vessel, visit the World Science Center in 2310 to stop an assassination, and go back to 2112 to destroy a nuclear missile. You will collect items, solve puzzles, and pit your wits against a giant robot.
The game itself is an adventure game, played in 1st person perspective – explore the environment, collect and use items, solve puzzles and small games, and it even has a maze in it. It has a few twists though: according to TSA’s rules, you are not allowed to interact with people from a different time, so you must gather information in a different way. You can also stay only a limited time in every time zone, since you protective suit has only limited energy. You can also die at this game, if you are not fast thinking and fast moving.
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