
Mike Dailly makes GTA2’s game design documents available on his website

Mike Dailly, the creator of Lemmings and GTA, has made the design documents for Grand Theft Auto 2 available on his website. As well as docs for GTA2, the website also features design information and history for Lemmings and the original GTA. You can find the GTA docs by going to http://lemmingsgame.com -> Pictures/Projects -> Mike Dailly makes GTA2’s game design documents available on his website

Royal Mail to release stamps commemorating History of British Video Games

For those of us that still use snail-mail, the Royal Mail are launching a set of stamps commemorating the history of the British video game industry. The stamps feature images from Elite (BBC Micro), Dizzy (ZX Spectrum), Sensible Soccer (Amiga), Lemmings (Amiga), Populous (Amiga), Worms (Amiga), Micro Machines (Mega Drive), Wipeout (PlayStation) and various Tomb Royal Mail to release stamps commemorating History of British Video Games