A huge bee hive appeared on Earth and the inhabitants are less than friendly. The player’s mission is to kill the queen by entering the hive with a special vehicle representing a grasshopper. The basic goal of each level is to find the exit which is is made more difficult by the maze-like structure of the tunnels. Three markers can be dropped at will as waypoints.
Of course the player also faces opposition from various enemies and obstacles which can be either shot or dodged by ducking respectively jumping. There are also various items to find which are stored in an inventory until used, e.g. shields, enemy freeze or a grabber to reach objects from a distance. The grasshopper uses up energy which is either taken from pylons or the life force. Obviously the latter is not desirable because reaching zero life force results in death – so the player needs to find pylons inside the hive. When having two pylons, the life force automatically recharges. Two specialities of the game are the vector graphics and a password which is constantly updated and always on screen.
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