ZX Spectrum


Your personal communicator bleeps. A summons. The Federation Council of Elders want you. And they want you now.

No time to pack – a Nuclonic inter-stellar shuttle is on its way to collect you – the last time this happened it took them three months to put your body back together again.

You shudder – the adrenalin is pumping. You’re tough, you’re mean, and you’re ready for action – but what’s in store?

Something big is about to break – the star fleet was on alert for days – then one morning it was gone, the whole fleet and no one knew where. The top brass have been running around with stark terror on their faces – no one knows why. And now they are going to tell you – the last of the Obliterators.

Why? During the last war you and the unit you commanded were heroes – wherever the fighting was hottest and bloodiest who did they send? – the Obliterators of course, the most highly trained élite lighting force ever assembled; each one recruited at birth from amongst the population of billions in Federation space; each one intensively trained and educated form childhood each one with a genetically enhanced body to speed up reflexes, enhance the senses and increase strength and agility.


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