Momotarou Dentetsu V

The Momotarou Densetsu games are based on a fairy tale that is about a boy that is born from a peach and is raised by an old couple. The game series begun in NES, X68000 and PC Engine with versions in SNES and Playstation.

Momotaro Dentetsu , Momotaro Dentetsu?, Momotaro Electric Railway) (also known by the abbreviated name Momotetsu) is a long-running board game-style video game series in Japan; in which players travel by rail, ship, and airplane; attempting to acquire wealth through business transactions buying properties; and dealing with rival entrepreneurs and nemeses such as the God of Poverty . The game mechanics are often compared to the board games sugoroku and Monopoly.

Gameplay once again revolves around railroads and trains, Momotaro Dentetsu (tetsu is Japanese for iron) is one the hosts of the TV show in which the player (or players) will compete in a board game around Japan using different vehicles to gain money. Momotarou Densetsu V is the fifth game in that series of board games,


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