Crazy Sue is a 2D platform game, which was first released in 1990 in issue 1 of the Amiga Fun magazine by MC Publications.
Crazy Sue is a cute little schoolgirl, whose quest is to rid the land of Ereanor of the Evil Wizard of Doom and the Mistress of Death. This was foretold by an old gipsy – meddling itinerants, getting kids into trouble.
Sue is a first-rate platform game. A joystick is needed because the mobile nasties are animated and can blat her with the wink of an eyeball. In looks, Crazy Sue is really impressive. As she walks, the ribbon tying her hair bobs up and down, and when she is still she stakes a few licks of her lollypop. Everything is bright and fast and the collision detection is spot on.
If you think all PD is a waste of time and completely amateurish, look at this. It will change your tune. Frustratingly addictive, it is very touch, springing surprises on you at every leap, and requires thought as well as skill to succeed. Well done Hironymous Jumpshoe, Thorin Oakenshield and DJ Braincrack.
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