Les Passagers du Vent II
Atari ST

Passengers on the Wind II allows players to decide the fate of the heroes and direct all of them so that they reach their aim. Players will discover many locations, directions, and events; and will live different stories according to the directions that he makes the characters take. Everything is controlled using either the keyboard or the joystick.

Players are both the director and the heroes. The screen is divided into three main elements: a graphical section where the action takes place; a section showing the character players are directing; and the section containing text, from which players decide the action.

The player can take several actions during the game: saving a game, viewing flashbacks (in slow or fast motion), or intervention on the central graphic screen to make the action develop.

The game is split into seven episodes which players have to gradually make their way through. In each, a main scene is displayed in the graphical section, and by simple confirmation players can make the characters appear.

To avoid restarting the game at the beginning each time, players are given an opportunity to save the situation in progress. In this case, a blank, formatted disk is required to save these situations.


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