Wet Zone

Wet Zone is a video game written by Jason Sobell and Kevin Blake. It was released by Everiss Software for the BBC Microcomputer, followed by an Electron version published by Tynesoft.

E-Lanes are the most despicable excuse of a life-form in the universe. They are nearing their goal of invading the mother planet – Earth. You are the pilot of the last remaining space interceptor. With luck and skill you must destroy wave after wave of the attacking alien hordes. You are armed with your powerful dual plasma bolts. The E-Lanes have probed your mind which enables their ships to appear as illusions. Their images are based on the acquatic forms from your childhood on Graemsay. There are twelve alien illusions: Submarines, Water Beetles, Air Sea Rescue, Umbrellas, Sea Eagles, Snow Flakes, Icicles, Diving Dumbells, Fish, Tadpoles, Jellyfish and Flaps.


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