
Dreamcast Rhythm game, Cool Cool Toon, to get English fan-translation patch

To mark the 22nd anniversary of SNK Rhythm game, Cool Cool Toon, Dreamcast translator Derek Pascarella has announced that work has begun on translating the game into English. In the game, you need to do a dance called “Flitzing” and dance-off against other opponents. Pascarella (aka Ateam) will be assisted by Cargodin and Popomocco. You Dreamcast Rhythm game, Cool Cool Toon, to get English fan-translation patch

Hidden Two-Player mode found in Super Punch-Out after almost 30 years

Twitter user, @new_cheats_news has found two previously unknown cheats for the SNES game, Super Punch-Out. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1556727895778856960 Play against any player​ At the title, hold Y+R (on Joypad 2), then press A or START (on Joypad 1). A new screen will appear where you can select any character to fight a free single match. Two Player Hidden Two-Player mode found in Super Punch-Out after almost 30 years

Live-Action Pac-Man Movie in the works, plus re-boot of Pac-Man World

Bandai Namco Entertainment are teaming up with Wayfarer Studios to produce a live-action Pac-Man film. According to the Hollywood Reporter, the movie is based on an original idea from Chuck Williams – producer of the Sonic the Hedgehog movie. Really, we have absolutely no idea how Pac-Man will translate to a live-action movie, but it Live-Action Pac-Man Movie in the works, plus re-boot of Pac-Man World