Alien Bash

To be honest with you, Alien Bash is the sort of game that you can pick up and play without reading any instructions, it’s that simple. Anyway, for those of you who are initiative-challenged will be pleased to know that the full instructions are coming up after this break.
Right, you play a nippy nameless young fellow who has to fend off hoards of alien scum-bag weakling no-brained slime-buckets using only your initiative. Oh, and a gun. By running around the spaceship (using the joystick) and avoiding anything which looks remotely harmless, you’ve got to free a set number of hostages from every level. These prisoners are encapsulated inside a lethal force-field which needs to be blasted away before you can run in and collect the stranded bods. Once you’ve managed to free all the prisoners in the level, make your way back to where you started from and you’ll be whisked away to the next challenge.
Before you rush off and begin to blast things willy-nilly, it’s worth mentioning that you cannot fire unless the joystick is pointing in one of the eight directions, so you either have to run towards the alien scumbag weakling no-brained slime-buckets whilst firing or centre the joystick, push FIRE and then move the joystick in whichever direction you wish to shoot.
There are simply loads of power-ups (revealed by destroying the funny looking shapes) to collect along the way, which vary from triple shot to super-hard death-inducing missiles which wipeout aliens with one hit. Brilliant! Also, there’s a nifty invincibility token which renders you… yeah, you should know the routine by now.


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