In a nearby galaxy, the space-faring race of Telerons, after being forced to live among the stars by their now resource drained planet, have come to depend upon their space colonies for survival. Two of their massive star bound structures, the Kriton Colony and the Belgea Colony, are in need of resupply of energy. In the highly competitive field of Cosmostructing, the Telerons have contracted both a Terran and Melorian Cosmostruction team for their services. Each team will take turns constructing part of the required energy ducts. The Telerons will observe and evaluate each team as they will pay only the Cosmostructors which receive the highest scored evaluation. In the past when Terran and Melorian Cosmostructors have been in direct competition, each has been known to force their opponent to construct tubings on hidden mine fields and unstable asteroid belts ensuring the loss of points for their adversaries. Now the race begins anew as Terran and Melorian Cosmostructors again compete in the formation of their cosmic constructions!
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