Dole: 5 A Day Adventures
Windows 3

Dole 5 A Day Adventures is an educational title produced in conjunction with the Dole Food Company aimed at teaching children about nutrition. This is primarily an American title, all the examples and information are geared to which US stares grow this crop or which countries in the world supply the US with that crop.
The game’s installation creates a program group on the player’s computer with two icons one of which is the game and the other, ‘Support Materials’, is a set of notes for teachers on getting the most out of the product.

The game itself takes place on Banana Boulevard, a street which which has five buildings on it. Each building represents a set of informational hosted by an animated vegetable of fruit, for example Pamela Pineapple hosts the show in the Adventure Theater. The buildings are:

* Adventure Theater: here the player selects a piece of produce and can then view fun facts, where in the USA it is grown, which other countries supply the USA, pictures and a short video clip

* Salad Factory: is where the player combines ingredients to make a salad and can see just how much vitamin A & C, fibre and fat their creation contains.

* H.B.’s Body Shop: In the body shop the player selects parts of H.B.’s body and learns which fruit and vegetables are beneficial say for muscle growth.

* The Cook’s Kitchen: Here the player selects kitchen items and is given details of appropriate recipes such as ‘Carrots in the Microwave’ , ‘Spunky Vegetable Pizza’, ‘Fruity Breakfast Parfait’, and ‘Trees in a Broccoli Forest’

* Leafy Green Travel: this is takes the player to ‘The Land of 5 A Day’ where there are five more game areas.: Information Land, Pyramid Land, Label Land, Serving Size Land, and Market Land.

As the player exits any location they are asked if they wish to ‘Take The Challenge’ which tests the player’s knowledge of the information in that section. All challenges are earn tokens which are used to complete a game board. If the player scores the maximum number of points in a section then they are certified in that area. Challenges can be retaken but the questions change each time. When all challenges have been completed successfully the game board pathway is complete and the player becomes a certified ‘5 a Day Kid’.
From the game’s menu bar the player can access and play any of the game’s songs, print recipes, certificates and access a glossary of key words.

The game is played entirely with the mouse, speakers or headphones are essential as all instructions are spoken.


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