Amstrad CPC

After his improbable success in Sweevo’s World, the world’s least capable robot is back, and must go to the heavily-polluted Deathbowl and clean it up. The Deathbowl’s four plugs must be removed, in order, so as to drain the poisonous water and allow it to be refilled.

The specific objects required to clear each plug must be obtained, in many cases by shooting the enemies who hold them – a task made harder by the fact that contact with them is fatal, you start without weaponry, and no weapon has unlimited ammunition. Whirlpools and bubbles must be used to reach the various areas of the Deathbowl. Contact with water causes Sweevo to start rusting, although oil can be picked up to limit the effect. The game is viewed isometrically, and features over 200 screens of action and puzzles (more in 128K mode).


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