Jet Power Jack

Jack the intergalactic Hitch Hiker has been kidnapped by the evil warlord Norgrob the Terrible and imprisoned in a large space garage in the Botch system. He must collect the red fuel pods from the opposite side of the garage and bring them back to refill the waiting starships.

However, Jack’s oxygen supply is limited to one minute per trip and some nasty Space Googjies are out to stop him.

He is equipped with a Turbopak which is strapped to his back. By activating the boosters he can negotiate the obstacle-filled garage. The edges of the platforms and also the fittings in the ceiling are ‘live’ and touching any of these will cause Jack to plummet to his death.

There are five levels in all, with five fuel pods to collect on each vele. The final level features Wilfred the hideous Yugg monster.

Hint: By walking off a ledge and holding down that direction key, Jack will float to the next platform down without any need to use the powerful Turbopak.


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