Lights Out

Based on Tiger’s hit electronic toy, Lights Out is an expanded edition of the original brain-teaser. Players face a 6×6 grid (as opposed to the original’s 5×5 grid) with a select number of lights lit and their goal, as in the original game, is to turn all the lights out (hopefully in the fewest possible moves). The player does this by using the stylus to touch the desired light, which will toggle it and adjacent lights on/off. Each puzzle has a certain minimum amount of steps for the player to perform in order to turn all the lights out (beginning at three and increasing by one every six puzzles). After that amount has been exceeded, the player has 10 steps to complete the puzzle or he/she will fail the puzzle and be forced to try again.

In addition to original Lights Out, two other modes of play are available – Lit Only, which only allows the use of lights that are lit, and Toggle, where the player must press a light that is lit, then a light that is not, and so on, until the puzzle is either solved or failed. There’s also a Random option for all three modes, where players encounter one of up to 60 billion puzzles to solve.


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