Lop Ears
Amstrad CPC

Lop Ears, the rabbit went out playing, and exploring, on his own.
Unfortunately he strayed far from his normal territory and became
lost. When he tried to find his way back home he discovered that
a by-pass had been completed across his route, barring his way
home to his family, and friends.

You must help Lop Ears safely find his way home. You must
carefully explore many different locations, including towns,
gardens, woodland areas, and other rabbits’ burrows. You will
encounter many other animals including dogs, squirrels, birds,
weasels, and other rabbits. Some of these will be your friend
and help you; some will hinder you. You will need to solve
puzzles, some simple, some complex, in order to get help from
the other creatures that you meet. Also you must keep your energy
up by eating carrots – but first you must find them!! Sometimes
you may need to store them, whilst you solve another puzzle.

At first it may seem to be simple to guide Lop Ears home. But
initial appearances can often be misleading, as you will soon
discover. You will need all your logical powers, and lateral
thinking to be successful, but if you are, Lop Ears’ family
will be so very happy to see him home safe and sound,
and Oh! so very grateful to you!!


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