Murder On the Atlantic
Amstrad CPC

Murder on the Atlantic takes place on the Bourgogne, a big French ocean liner, in 1938. On board: various rich people along with spies which want to snare the new computer technology for their own needs. The player takes the role of an detective who has to solve two mysterious murder which took place on the Bourgogne. The game is completely menu driven. The player chooses which part of the ship he wants to go next. Here he can examine the room or interrogate one of the 40 suspects. The player does not directly interact with the suspects, he only gets to read their statement. During the course of the game he also finds a decoder which can be used to decrypt messages. Puzzles consist of finding code words. This part has no defined ending. When the player has puzzled together the solution – he also needs to use the many documents which are delivered with the game in physical form – he starts the second part of the game. Here he needs to answer a series of questions and, if they are correct, he wins.


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