Ninja Remix
Amstrad CPC

Once beaten. but not destroyed. the evil Shogun Kunitoki used all his mystic powers to transport himself through time and establish a new empire of tyranny in modern day Manhattan. In fear of Kunitoki’s growing powers. the arcane gods used all their wisdom to bring you, The Last Ninja, across the abyss of time and confront your arch-enemy once more. You arrive in this frightening and awesome modern world bringing nothing with you save your intelligence, skill and cunning and a burning desire for vengeance. Will this be the final battle? Can you vanquish Kunitoki once and for all? This is an updated version of Last Ninja 2: Back With a Vengeance. The differences are a short intro, some minor graphic changes and a remixed soundtrack. Gameplay is exactly the same as in Last Ninja 2.


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