Slimey’s Mine
Commodore 64

Slimey is a frog and he has found himself trapped on an asteroid field and his ship in bits scattered around mines deep in certain asteroids. You must find the entrances to these mines and explore the caverns inside. The game starts with yourself on one of the asteroids and is viewed from above with a small part of the asteroid field shown on the screen with the screen scrolling when you move.

You must jump from asteroid to asteroid looking for a black square on an asteroid which indicates an entrance. Other asteroids to look out for are skull icons which when landed on lose one of three lives, an arrow icon which moves you to the next asteroid in the direction of the arrow and a question mark icon which transport you to another part of the field. Plain asteroids when jumped off shrink and will shrink down four times before disappearing. To help you plan your route there is a scanner showing a larger view of the asteroid field with all icons shown. When you are on a mine entrance you press the fire button to enter.

Before you explore the caverns of the mine a map shows you all the caverns in that mine. The game is once again viewed from above but each cavern is shown on the screen and the screen will flick to the next cavern when entered but only when a red diamond is collected. There are various baddies moving around each screen and when shot with your laser will drop a blue diamond. Collect ten blue diamonds and a red diamond will appear and allow you to move to the next screen. It will also activate a smart bomb which kills all nasties on screen but if you don’t get to the next screen after a few seconds a laser appears and will try to shoot you. Any ship parts if seen can be collected. If you are touched by any nasty then a jug with water decreases, and if it reaches zero then you lose a try. Lose three tries and you lose a life.


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