Star Trader
TRS-80 Color Computer

As a merchant in the distant future, you captain a starship from system to system, visiting starports to buy and sell cargo until you amass one thousand credits and retire to the quiet life. Fuel, upkeep, and even computer access contribute to overhead expenses. Pirates will get in your way and do costly damage to your ship or even end your career if your aim is slow. When money runs short, however, you can always scoop fuel from a red giant star or swipe some cargo from the ship a few bays down. If you make your deliveries on time, your reputation will bring you better fees.

The emphasis of the game is economic; ship-to-ship combat is purely a gallery shoot with moving targets and a possibility of escape. All play is real-time, so even in the starport, your fuel is being used and delivery dates are getting closer. Care must be taken in selecting cargo, as some runs will lose you money for the amount of fuel they consume. Run out of fuel in mid-jump and you’re space salvage. Everything happens on one, tripartite game screen showing the view outside your ship, your status (cash, fuel, repair, date, etc.), and the graphical menu below.


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